IrfanView - компактная и в то же время мощная программа для просмотра и конвертации графических файлов с продвинутыми возможностями, поддерживающая множество форматов графики, есть опции редактирования. Кроме работы с графическими файлами, IrfanView понимает многие аудио и видеоформаты; вдобавок, возможности программы можно значительно расширить за счет плагинов, хотя и без них IrfanView обладает множеством достоинств: в программе имеются базовые средства обработки графики, можно конвертировать файлы из одного формата в другой, делать скриншоты с экрана и заставки для рабочего стола, есть режимы слайдшоу и thumbnail (показ уменьшенных копий), а также функция вытаскивания иконок из *.exe и *.dll файлов. Кроме этого, явным плюсом программы является ее небольшой размер.
Graphics & DesignIrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista. It is trying to be simple for beginners and powerful for professionals.
IrfanView is a fast, simple freeware image viewer and editor that supports all major graphic formats, including BMP, DIB, JPEG, GIF, animated GIF, PNG, PCX, multipage TIFF, TGA, and more. In addition, it features drag-and-drop support, directory viewing, TWAIN support, slide shows, batch conversion, and modifications such as color depth, crop, blur, and sharpen.
IrfanView is trying to create new and/or interesting features in its own way, unlike some other graphic viewers, whose whole "creativity" is based on feature cloning, stealing of ideas and whole dialogs from ACDSee and/or IrfanView! (for example: XnView has been stealing/cloning features and whole dialogs from IrfanView, for 7+ years).
Some IrfanView features:
- Many supported file formats (
- Multi language support
- Thumbnail/preview option
- Slideshow (save slideshow as EXE/SCR or burn it to CD)
- Show EXIF/IPTC/Comment text in Slideshow/Fullscreen etc.
- Support for Adobe Photoshop Filters
- Drag & drop support
- Fast directory view (moving through directory)
- Batch conversion (with image processing)
- Email option
- Multimedia player
- Print option
- Change color depth
- Scan (batch scan) support
- Cut/crop
- IPTC editing
- Effects (Sharpen, Blur, Adobe 8BF, Filter Factory, Filters Unlimited, etc.)
- Capturing
- Extract icons from EXE/DLL/ICLs
- Lossless JPG rotation
- Many hotkeys
- Many command line options
- Many PlugIns
- Only one EXE-File, no DLLs, no Shareware messages like "I Agree" or "Evaluation expired"
- No registry changes without user action/permission!
and much more
Changes in version 4.20 (2008-07-16):
- Basic Unicode support added (Properties->Misc 1, thanks to Christophe Paris!)
- New zoom options; improved relative zoom (Properties->Viewing)
- Thumbnails can be sorted manually using drag/drop
- GIF animations can be played in fullscreen/slideshow mode
- New Advanced batch options: Fine rotation, Blur, Median ...
- Option to show TIF Annotations created by Kodak Imaging (Properties->Viewing)
- New JPG save option: Set file size (PlugIn: thanks to Lucian Sabo)
- New save menu: Save for Web (PlugIn: thanks to Lucian Sabo)
- New thumbnails options to disable or configure info text on mouse over
- New edit menu: Auto crop borders (remove outside lines/rows of same color)
- New feature in Canvas dialog: negative border sizes are allowed (border crop)
- New option in Capture dialog: Capture desktop on current monitor only
- New options in Custom selection dialog: Set custom ratio; Save values
- New slideshow option (window mode): Set window position
- New Fullscreen display options: Fit to screen width/height (Hotkeys: 5/6)
- IPTC data in TIF files can be showed (no editing yet)
- Fixed Thumbnails crash on multi core CPUs
- New command line option for EXE Slideshow: /window=(x,y,width,height)
- Option to set Status bar text using placeholders (Properties->Misc 3)
- Option for proportional paste into selection (Properties->Misc 3)
- Support for EXR format (PlugIn)
- Support for MAG format (MAKI, Formats PlugIn)
- Default display option is now: Fit only big images to desktop
- Expanded Copy/Move dialog (4 more folders)
- New Edit menu: Maximize and center selection (hold CTRL to center only)
- New option in Edit Palette dialog: Click on image to find color index
- New Thumbnails menu: Remove selected thumbs from list, Hotkey: Ctrl+Del
- New Thumbnails menu: Save selected files names as TXT
- New Thumbnails menu: Start Panorama dialog with selected files
- The Enhance/Correct colors dialog can be resized/maximized
- Enhanced TIF-LZW saving with 24 BPP images (smaller files are created)
- New command line option: /jpg_rotate=(...values...)
JPG lossless rotation, see i_options.txt for examples
- New command line option: /transpcolor=(r,g,b)
Set transparent color: can be used for GIF/PNG/ICO saving
- New Hotkey: SHIFT + F = Fit only big images to desktop
- New Hotkey: SHIFT + W = Fit images to window
- New Hotkey: NUM-PAD 5 = Scroll to image center
- New Hotkey/Menu: CTRL + N = Open current file in another IrfanView window
- New Thumbnails option: Auto scroll during creation
- New option in JPG IPTC/Comment dialog: Append text to old text
- Scan dialog: 'Skip existing files' works also for multipage TIF files
- Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions:
Download from:
- Some minor bugs/features fixed/added (scrolling)
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