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» StrongDC++ 2.2

08.07 14:00 оставить комментарий
StrongDC++ 2.2Программа StrongDC++ появилась как дальнейшее развитие клиента CZDC++, который, в свою очередь, "произошел" от классического DC++.

StrongDC++ is a client for sharing files in Direct Connect network, based on the popular Direct Connect clone "DC++". It is modification of program DC++ and it brings many news and features from other modification. Since DC++ is developed under GNU/GPL, you can download source and modify it.
DC++ is very easy to use. File>Public Hubs (or CTRL+P) brings up the Public Hubs and Connection Window then all you do is simply wait for the hub list to appear and double click a hub to connect to it.

This client support separate downloading. Direct Connect allows you to share files over the internet without restrictions or limits. Because DC++ is a self contained C++ program it doesn't need installing as such - simply download and unzip the zip file, copy the contents into a directory and double click the .exe application. Setup is simple too - once the application is running simply go to File>Settings... or click the icon on the Toolbar and you should see the settings pop-up.

Often the description next to a hub name in the hub list will contain a summary of the rules of the hub - some hubs are very much neo-modus only and will have the words NO DC++ in the description. Do not bother trying to connect to these hubs they will kick you out.

Main benefits of StrongDC++:
• Safe segmented downloading
Download one file from more users simultaneously without corruption! This way of downloading dramatically improves download speed, especially for fast connections, and it's safer than classical downloading. Segment position ans size are decided by file size and chunks speed.
• Partial file sharing
Allows downloading and uploading parts of file which is being currently downloaded by you or other users. This increases download speed and file expanding over network.
• Download/Upload speed limiter
Avoids a full line usage and leaves some speed for web browsing. Realise, that download speed limit is dependent on upload speed limit which is dependent on amount of opened slots/hubs.
• Automatic slow downloads disconnecting
Disconnects sources who speed is under certain value for certain time. If download speed during segmented downloading goes too low, the source is disconnected regardless the set value to avoid unnecessary slot usage.
• Customization
You can set sounds according to situation, change color scheme or icons, show popup balloons, see emoticons and many more...

Changes in version 2.2:
*** WARNING ***
All connections between StrongDC++ are automatically encrypted now. If you experience problems, you can disable it in Security Certificates settings. Since this version, you can't use direct connection on ports 80 and 2501.

* added some other libraries which could cause crash
* fixed that Windows subfolders were shared
* fixed problems with disabled segmented downloads
* fixed remote exploit (THX Fartman)
* whole folder can be downloaded without downloading whole filelist
* added "Browse filelist" to userlist/transferlist default actions
* fixed usercommands in PM tab context menu
* updated bzip2
* fixed some problems with returning search results (DC++ BZR)
* some fixes to chat formatting
* fixed some crashes
* implemented Quick Search function (ApexDC++)
* fixed finished items' total size
* added option to place usercommands outside of submenu
* bars positions and sizes are saved
* search interval is hub dependent
* upload slots settings has its own page
* ADL search is done via regexp
* fixed partial file sharing
* added option to set maximum auto-opened slots (old Kulmegil's patch)
* implemented some tweaks to hash progress dialog (old Kulmegil's patch)
* fixed memory leak in network settings (ApexDC++)
* fixes for partial file sharing
* added support for encrypted NMDC transfers
* implemented new clients detection system (THX adrian_007)
* added temporary fix to avoid spamming ports 80 and 2501

Homepage - http://strongdc.sourceforge.net

Size: 4.10 MB


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