Notepad++ это бесплатный редактор текстовых файлов (замена стандартного Блокнота) с поддержкой синтаксиса большого количества языков программирования, ориентирован для работы в операционной системе MS Windows.
Этот проект базируется на компоненте Scintilla (очень мощном компоненте для редактирования) написанном на C++ с использованием только Win32 API и STL (что гарантирует максимальную скорость выполнения при минимальном размере программы), распространяется под лицензией GPL.
Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. It also gives the extra functionality to define a user's own language for the syntax folding and syntax highlighting. You can print your source code in color. It allows a user to edit the different document in the same time, and even to edit the same document synchronizely in 2 different views. It supports full drag and drop.
The programming languages supported by Notepad++ are:
ASP, Ada, ASCII art, Assembly, AutoIt, BAT, C, C#, C++, Caml, CSS, doxygen, FORTRAN, HTML, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, KiXtart, Lisp, Lua, makefile, Matlab, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Unix Shell Script, Smalltalk, SQL, Tcl, TeX, Verilog, VHDL, VB/VBScript, XML
This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL Licence.
Here are the features of Notepad++ :
• Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding
• User Defined Syntax Highlighting
• Auto-completion
• Multi-Document
• Multi-View
• Regular Expression Search/Replace supported
• Full Drag ‘N' Drop supported
• Dynamic position of Views
• File Status Auto-detection
• Zoom in and zoom out
• Multi-Language environment supported
• Bookmark
• Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting
• Macro recording and playback
Changes in Notepad++ v5 Beta:
1. Improve Notepad++ performance - on startup and on exit.
2. Add Calltip capacity.
3. All the menu commands can be added in context menu, including plugins' commands, macros and user defined commands.
4. Add bookmarked lines operations : delete all marked lines, copy all marked lines into clipboard, cut all marked lines into clipboard, paste from clipboard to replace all marked lines content.
5. Fix crash bug : Open files with date pre-1970.
6. Fix clone mode bug : now the actions done in one view will be synchronized in the cloned view.
7. Add tooltips in document tab to display the full file name path.
8. Change hide lines behaviour : Hide lines now saved during switches.
9. Change file history list behaviour : Most recent closed file is on the top. Add number on list.
10. Caret width and blink rate are customizable.
11. Add asterisk in title bar if file is dirty.
12. The bookmarks' look & feel are improved.
13. Add "Select all" and "copy" context menu items in Find in files results window.
14. Fix goto line with command line bug.
15. Improve smart highlight / mark all / incremental search highlight all visibility
16. Tabbar's coulours is configurable via Stylers Configurator(Active tab Text, Inactive tab text, Inactive tab background, Active tab focused indicator and Active tab unfocused indicator).
17. Add the smart highlight file size limit - 1.5 MB in order to improve the performance.
18. Add exception handling (dumping filedata).
19. Fix go to line command line bug.
20. Enhance Find in files and Find in all opened files features' performance.
21. Fix dialog off screen problem under multi-monitor environment.
Included plugins :
1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC3.2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. MIME Tools v1.4
5. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
6. NppExport v0.2.7.3
7. Compare plugin v1.5.1
8. Light Explorer v1.5
9. Doc Monitor v2.1
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Size: 1.98 MB
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