Вышла новая версия популярного браузера Opera. Это – один из самых быстрых и гибких в настройке браузеров. Используя скины, пользовательские панели и другие средства настройки интерфейса, его внешний вид можно изменять до неузнаваемости. Программа позволяет "на лету" отключать и включать графику, а также может похвастаться фирменной технологией масштабирования веб-страниц, благодаря которой пользователи браузера практически никогда не видят горизонтальной прокрутки.
Opera is known as the fastest and smallest full-featured browser, a first choice for people using older PCs and Windows 95 and a brilliant alternative to the default IE from Microsoft. This new version has a chance to actually beat IE hands-down because it has a truckload of new and exciting features. It complies to all the current web-page standards, it has a completely new interface (you can choose from single window and multi-window view), built-in search, a download manager, an advanced mail/news reader, print preview, a huge bookmark collection and much more in a 2Mb free package! Well, the free package also includes banner ads, but Opera is believed to be completely free of spyware, unlike some of its competitors. It’s lightning fast as well as stable and it looks gorgeous. It’s simply perfect! For a complete list of features check out the official website, there’s vastly more to discover.
Opera, first of all, is client World Wide Web, that is the program for extraction of the information from WWW as the documents created with help HyperText Markup Language (language of a marking of hypertext HTML).
Low requirements to resources of system. Opera will work even on 386 computer about 6 Mb of operative memory. MDI the interface. You can open without special expenses of memory any quantity of windows inside one working window, having chosen thus a tabulared or cascade mode.
Known issues:
• Dragonfly does not work when JavaScript is disabled.
• Dragonfly doesn't work on Mac.
• Save Linked Content As fails sporadically.
• Marking messages Unread in the Trash view will actually permanently delete them.
• Text selections don't draw correctly in Opera Mail and MHTML documents.
• Fixed Opera icon in add/remove programs in Windows Vista
• Startup is now a lot faster when having many bookmarks
• Made http authentication work in Widgets again
• UNIX: Fixed wrong dependency on libqt3-mt in static deb packages
• Check spelling item is grayed out when mouse cursor is not over textarea
• Better handling of local cookies
• Progress bar briefly appears below address bar while loading sites with an iframe
• Image title isn't displayed in tooltip when the image is a link
• Fixed the missing tag list on del.icio.us
• Fixed an issue with pages that never finished loading
• Fixed a jQuery/Backbase regression
• Fixed display of Japanese file names in Mail
• Fixed an issue where clicking an input type=image fired click then blur
• Fixed "match whole word only"
• onmousedown="this.focus()" caused onblur event
• Fixed search completion on Facebook
• Password not sent for NNTP accounts
• Check spelling item is grayed out when mouse cursor is not over textarea
• Mac: Fixed Wand shortcut after going back in history
• Mac: Fixed the look of input type=number controls
• Mac: Fixed dropdowns in Appearance dialog (and a few other places)
Windows build 10024 English (Classic Installer) - 4.7 MB