ReactOS является наиболее полной рабочей моделью Windows®-подобной операционной системы, доступной на данный момент. Таким образом, разработчики могут почерпнуть огромное количество информации из исходных кодов ReactOS и участвуя в разработке ReactOS.
ReactOS включает, и будет продолжать включать новые версии Win32 API, и таким образом будет отслеживать, и иногда даже определять состояние дел в технологиях операционных систем.
ReactOS® is an advanced free open source operating system providing a ground-up implementation of a Microsoft Windows® XP compatible operating system. ReactOS aims to achieve complete binary compatibility with both applications and device drivers meant for NT and XP operating systems, by using a similar architecture and providing a complete and equivalent public interface.
ReactOS is the most complete working model of a Windows® like operating system available. Consequently, working programmers will learn a great deal by studying ReactOS source code and even participating in ReactOS development.
ReactOS has and will continue to incorporating features from newer versions and sometimes even define the state of the art in operating system technology.
In short, ReactOS is aiming to run your applications and use your hardware, a free operating system for everyone!
Changes in version 0.3.3 Final:
* Source tree restructure and cleanup (Alex Ionescu, Aleksey Bragin)
* Update DejaVu font to 2.18 (Magnus Olsen)
* Switch to DejaVu font in all cases, Cmd is now using DejaVu font as well, the GUI already uses it (Magnus Olsen)
* Import usp10 from Wine, CVS revision 1.8 (Magnus Olsen)
* Add a test case for a few APIs of the Win32k DirectX support, like NtGdiDdCreateDirectDrawObject, NtGdiDdDeleteDirectDrawObject, NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject. The test case is not 100% correct because of different faults, so you need to check by hand why it failed in some cases. The test case works on every Windows that supports DirectX8 or higher, or ReactOS 0.2.9 or higher (Magnus Olsen)
* Change ObpDosDevicesShortName to match the ob.h header prototype (Magnus Olsen)
* Many header compatibility fixes between our DDK and MS DDK version 3790.1830 (Magnus Olsen)
* Update FreeType to 2.3.4 (Magnus Olsen)
* Create a folder called DXSDK, which contains headers that work similar to MS DXSDK 2004 December (Magnus Olsen)
* Various compilation fixes for MSVC for different modules (Magnus Olsen)
* Adapted strtoul to strtoull and add the missing error code (Pierre Schweitzer, bug #2314)
* Lots of cleanup for cross-compilation (Hervé Poussineau)
* Add a variable to change the name of the ReactOS directory on bootcd (Hervé Poussineau)
* Add a "typedefs64.h" header file, when we need 32-bit types on 64-bit x86-64 hosts (Colin Finck)
* Compilation fixes for FreeBSD and probably other Unix derivates (Colin Finck)
* Compilation fixes on 64-bit hosts using the "typedefs64.h" header, in particular for Cabman, Mkhive, Wmc and Wrc (Colin Finck)
* Compilation fixes for Mac OS X hosts (Alex Ionescu, Colin Finck)
Homepage - http://www.reactos.org
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Данный вариант содержит последнюю версию ОС ReactOS предустановленную в виртуальной машине QEMU. Версия самого QEMU для Windows также содержится в этом дистрибутиве, что позволяет Вам попробовать ReactOS наиболее простым способом.
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Этот дистрибутив содержит виртуальную машину типа VMware с предустановленной ОС ReactOS.
Download/Скачать - Исходный код - 39.3 Мб
Этот пакет содержит полный исходный код этой версии ОС ReactOS.