Интернет-телефон с возможностью проведения конференц-связи и "аська" для мгновенного обмена текстовыми сообщениями. Для нормальной связи достаточно dial-up соединения. Из особенностей Gizmo Project стоит особо отметить возможность настройки качества соединения в зависимости от ширины пропускания канала, опцию записи разговора одним кликом, а также отображение на карте местоположения собеседника.
Call Subject — сообщение о теме разговора, которое вызываемый абонент получает перед началом сеанса связи;
Realtime Call Quality Indicator — индикатор качества связи, аналогичный индикатору устойчивости соединения на мобильных телефонах;
Realtime Presence — индикатор доступности абонентов, аналогичный распространенному в интернет-пейджерах.
По мнению компании SIPphone, авторству которой и принадлежит Gizmo Project, главное отличие Gizmo от Skype — это открытость сети и базирование на открытом стандарте. Следовательно, разработке не будет грозить судьба IM-сектора, где доминируют пять несовместимых между собой (напрямую, по крайней мере) сетей. Skype, в свою очередь, является закрытой сетью, работающей на базе проприетарного протокола, а создатели Gizmo, напротив, предпочли придерживаться открытых SIP-стандартов. Таким образом, любая сеть, развернутая на базе открытых стандартов будет совместима с Gizmo.
Стоит отметить, что Gizmo работае по принципу, отличному от P2P-сети, где звонки перенаправляются через компьютеры пользователей (как в случае Skype). При этом Gizmo занимает вдвое меньше оперативной памяти компьютера — по крайней мере, сначала. Испытатели отмечают превосходство качества звучания Gizmo над Skype, что, как пишут разработчики, достигается за счёт целого "веера" технологий сжатия аудио, среди которых присутствует и Global IP Sound, используемая Skype.
An internet telephone. As simple as an instant messenger. Now you’re talking. Make all your calls from the comfort of your desktop. With Gizmo, it’s point, click, talk. For free. Say goodbye to high price calling, and say “hello” to anyone online, anywhere on earth.
Gizmo Project uses your internet connection (broadband or dial-up) to make calls to other computers. With the click of a mouse, you’re connected to friends, family, and colleagues anywhere on earth. It’s just that simple. You talk clearly. For as long as you want. For free. And with inexpensive add-ons like CallIn and CallOut, you can talk to any telephone–mobile or landline–on the planet.
- Free calls to all Gizmo users.
- Free Voicemail and Conference Calls.
- Super clear call quality.
- Inexpensive add-ons that let you make and receive calls from any mobile phone or landline.
Additional Features:
* Instant Messaging (IM) - Click on the IM icon next to your contacts name and you can instantly text message other Gizmo Project users.
* Conference Calling - Make free conference calls with landlines and mobile phones
* SIP Number - Your Gizmo Project account has two important identifiers. The first is your Gizmo name. The second is the SIP number, which is automatically assigned to your account. With this number, VoIP networks can reach your Gizmo account free.
* Access Numbers - Access Numbers are a gateway to make calls to your Gizmo from the old phone system. With a simple, two-step dialing procedure, anyone on any phone can give your Gizmo a ring.
* Calling Other VoIP Networks - You can make calls to and receive calls from VoIP networks all over the world, including Asterisk-based networks. Even some universities have begun connecting their campus networks.
* Conference Calling - The Gizmo Project network provides a free conference calling system. The system is very easy to use and it lets you create conference rooms on the fly. Even folks on the regular phone system can join the calls.
* Call Recording - Your Gizmo software has call recording functionality built in. At the top of the call drawer, you’ll see three buttons which allow you to mute, hold or record a call. Learn more about this powerful feature, and some important restrictions you need to know.
- SIP Adapters - Super simple software not enough? If you are interested in making and receiving Gizmo calls with a regular telephone (even if your computer is turned off), you can, and it’s cheaper than you might think.
Top 10 things to do first with your new account:
1. Invite friends, talk free. Use our Gizmo e-cards to invite your friends to download Gizmo. All Gizmo members talk for free. In the future, to invite more friends, just click the invite button near the bottom of the Gizmo application.
2. Play a game of blackjack. With the tellme line, you can interact with an amazing system to get the weather, news, stock quotes, movie info or even play a game of blackjack. Just dial TellMe from your Gizmo phone.
3. Search for friends. Finding your friends using Gizmo Project is easy, there is a quick member search right in your Gizmo Project main application window.
4. Make free CallOut calls. We give each new account 25¢ of free CallOut credit so you can test the ease and quality of making calls from Gizmo to the old phone system. That is enough credit to make over 10 minutes of calls to people in the US.
5. Call with a purpose. Gizmo Project allows you add a call subject which will be displayed in the incoming call window of the person you are calling. Plus, the call subject is saved and displayed in your call list, so it is easy to find a call later.
6. Record a call. You can record any call on your Gizmo Project phone with the click of a button. The call record button is in the active call window, next to the mute and hold buttons.
7. Map a call. When you call other Gizmo members, you can click the Map It feature to see where they are and where you are. How far away can you call for free?
8. Jump in the party line. Our free conference calling server is always available to you. If you want to jump into a conference room of other Gizmo users, just dial partyline and check out who else is there.
9. Free voicemail. Each account comes with free voicemail, which is delivered to your email account. Learn how to configure your voicemail.
10. Fill out your profile and pick an avatar. Just click edit my profile from the home tab and fill out your profile and pick the perfect avatar to capture your personality. When others add you to their address book and receive calls from you, your avatar will display.