Этот пакет был сделан для замены файлов Windows XP (с объединенным SP2) с обновленными файлами от hotfixes, выпущенного начиная с выпуска второго сервис пака (SP2). Этот пакет обеспечивает много преимуществ перед другими методами hotfix интеграции: Прямая интеграция означает, что все hotfixed файлы объединены изначально. Не нужно волноваться о том, что Ваш компьютер будет подвержен какой-либо опасности во время установки hotfixes. Установи самые последние заплатки на Windows прямо сейчас!
This pack is designed to bring a Windows XP CD with SP2 integrated fully up to date with all of the latest hotfixes released by Microsoft since SP2's release. It accomplishes this task via direct integration, where files on the CD are directly overwritten by the updated files. This method has numerous advantages over other integration techniques:
1. Since the files are being directly overwritten on the CD, there is no period of vulnerability between when the files are copied to the hard drive and the hotfixes are run. This guarantees maximum stability and security.
2. All necessary registry entries needed by Windows Update, QFECheck, and Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer are imported during Windows setup, meaning that the integration is transparent to Windows.
3. Security Catalogs necessary for Windows File Protection to recognize the updated files as digitally signed are installed, once again ensuring maximum transparency to Windows.
4. Since the updated files are being directly overwritten on the CD, this pack has the minimum possible amount of overhead associated with integrating hotfixes in comparison to other methods - both in space used on the CD and in Windows installation time.
5. This pack works regardless of whether or not the Windows installation is unattended.
What's Included and all downloads (to download use only browser)
Changes in Version 2.1.9 - Released April 12, 2007:
* Added KB920867 Hotfix. Replaces KB890859 Hotfix.
* Added KB923293 Hotfix.
* Added KB925902 Hotfix. Replaces KB922859 Hotfix.
* Added KB930178 Hotfix.
* Added KB931192 Hotfix. Replaces KB929624 Hotfix.
* Added KB931261 Hotfix.
* Added KB931784 Hotfix. Replaces KB929338 Hotfix.
* Added KB932168 Hotfix.
* Added KB932662 Hotfix.
* Added KB935448 Hotfix. Replaces KB928843 Hotfix.
* Fixed MSXML6 SP1 issue which caused .NET Framework 3.0 (and related products) installation failures.
* Updated Malicious Software Removal Tool to version 1.28.
Download RyanVM's Windows XP Post-SP2 Update Pack
Download RyanVM's Integrator 1.4.3 - 668 KB