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History Sweeper v2.81

14.05 15:01 оставить комментарий
HistoryHistory Sweeper – это небольшая программа для автоматической очистки временных файлов, которые в большом количестве остаются после серфинга в сети. Таким образом, программа может выполнять несколько функций – обеспечивать вашу конфиденциальность, экономить место на жестком диске, а также удалять разнообразные шпионские модули. History Sweeper автоматически очищает заданные вами папки, среди которых могут быть временные файлы, файлы History, Cookies, автозаполнение паролей и форм, корзина и пр. При этом программа делает очистку «на лету».

ALERT! YOUR PC PRIVACY IS AT RISK Did you know that Windows maintains an “unseen” history of all of your PC activities, including files you have opened, websites visited, e-mails sent, logins and passwords, etc? It is important to understand that even having taken steps to “delete” files, cookies, search terms, browser history, etc., your data and activity remains on your PC “unseen. This leaves a history of all of your PC activity available to anyone who may currently have or someday gain access to your computer, be it family, employer, colleague, legal, PC maintenance, shared network, wireless network, or hacker sources. In addition, when you are on the Internet, you may have downloaded intrusive devices such as cookies, bugs, and spyware onto your computer. The intrusive devices may strike at any time. These problems raise not just privacy concerns but serious security issues as well.
ACT NOW! PROTECT YOUR PC PRIVACY To truly erase this information off of the hard drive requires a deeper professional “cleaning” of your computer that is provided by History Sweeper software. History Sweeper is very simple and quick to use, and can provide you with the peace-of-mind of knowing that your personal activity and information will remain private and protected. USE REGULARLY TO IMPROVE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE By maintaining this history of all your PC activity and “deleted” files, the performance of your PC is impacted with less efficient use of the disk space and disk mapping. History Sweeper serves as a very beneficial general PC maintenance program, saving storage space, allowing more efficient mapping, and improving the performance of your PC in the process.

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