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Auslogics Disk Defrag

30.03 21:52 оставить комментарий
Auslogics Disk DefragПрограмма для дефрагментации жестких дисков компьютера. Периодическое проведение дефрагментации дисков очень хорошо сказывается на общей работе системы - значительно повышается быстродействие и улучшается стабильность работы. Auslogics Disk Defrag значительно опережает в скорости работы стандартную утилиту Windows и существенно превосходит в работе все остальные подобные программы. К тому же Auslogics Disk Defrag полностью бесплатна

Disk fragmentation leads to system slowdowns, PC crashes, slow startup and shutdown and sometimes to system failures. Auslogics Disk Defrag® is designed for fast optimization of today's modern hard disks. Get the maximum performance out of your expensive hardware investments. And it's absolutely FREE. It works on Windows XP/2000/2003 and Vista.
- Improve computer performance and stability
- Increase your productivity - no more waiting for files to open
- Defragment disks in only a few minutes
- Useful disk fragmentation map and detailed fragmentation report
- Windows XP Home and Professional, 2000/2003 and Vista supported

Hard disks are by far the slowest component in your computer. CPU and memory work much faster than hard disks because they do not have moving parts. Therefore fragmented disks often become a bottleneck of the system performance.

Besides causing slowdowns, fragmentation makes the hard drive disk heads move frequently when reading files which leads to freeze-ups and system crashes. It is important to keep your disks defragmented and optimized as much as possible.

Changes in version
- improved unicode file support
- fixed an issue causing problems when scanning unicode files
- fixed an issue causing an error when disks were locked
- improves stability, a number of minor fixes

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