Smart Protector - удаляет все следы, которые остаются на вашем компьютере после посещения различных сайтов в интернете (cookies, history, набранные адреса сайтов и т.д. и т.п). Может очищать корзину и восстанавливать первоначальное (до удаления) положение вещей.
And dont you want to keep it that way? Right now, Windows is storing hidden records of everything you are doing on the Internet. Do you want your boss, kids, or spouse to see those records? Safeguard your privacy, job, business secrets, and anything else you want to keep private - hide your tracks with just one click in Windows with Smart Protector.
Smart Protector - Internet Eraser keeps out prying eyes and protects your private data on all Windows systems. Smart Protector works with Internet Explorer, AOL, Netscape, MSN and FireFox. Enjoy fast, safe browsing, knowing your private files are hidden.