Database Designer for PostgreSQL is an easy CASE tool with intuitive graphical interface allowing you to build a clear and effective database structure visually, see the complete picture (diagram) representing all the tables, references between them, views, stored procedures and other objects. Then you can easily generate a physical database on a server, modify it according to any changes you made to the diagram using fast ALTER statements. Database Designer for PostgreSQL makes the process of database creation clear and simplifies maintenance of the databases. All the operations performed in a fast, handy and intuitive interface.
Database Representation
Place objects of your database on a diagram, a virtual sheet of paper. See and realize the structure of your database and its objects: tables, views, stored procedures, functions and relationships between them. Construct schemas, domains, tables, indexes, columns and triggers. You can import already existing databases to a diagram by reverse engineering.
Easy Database Generation and Maintenance
With the database designer you can quickly create a ready-to-use PostgreSQL database with a few clicks, and then keeping its structure up-to-date by synchronizing it with the changes you made to a visual diagram. Simply change the diagram — Designer will generate complex SQL statement for database modification to bring it to the state of diagram keeping data in safe. Moreover, you can synchronize several databases to the state of your diagram.
Documentation: Printing, Generating Graphics and Reports
Generate powerful reports that describe all the database objects within your diagram. You can export graphical representation of diagram to EMF, JPEG, PNG, GIF and other popular formats or print the diagram out on multiple pages.
The product designed for popular PostgreSQL database server and takes into account all its features including:
- PostgreSQLs extensions to SQL syntax;
- stored procedures and functions, triggers and views;
- constraints and foreign key references;
- schemas;
- domains.
The product can extract tables, attributes, relationships, indexes and other objects from existing databases including PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, MySQL, Sybase ASE/ASA, Oracle, Informix, MSSQL, DB2, DBF and many others that accessible through OLEDB or ODBC and import (reverse engineer) them into your diagram. In the end, youll get a Physical Entity Relationship Model (ER Model) that can be exported in SQL script, or directly executed on working PostgreSQL database server. After making changes to a diagram, you can synchronize existing PostgreSQL database with it by using Database Modification tool.
Key Features:
- Simple physical database creation by using a wizard;
- Database structure generation;
- Database modification: generation of ALTER statements to bring a database to the state of the diagram;
- Reverse engineering (import) of existing databases from multiple sources;
- Export of a diagram to popular graphics formats;
- Database structure reports generation;
- Cheking a diagram for errors;
- Merging of diagrams;
- Ability to print diagram out on multiple pages;
- Works under Windows 2000, XP, 2003.
- Support of PostgreSQL server starting from 7.4 and a partial support of PostgreSQL 7.3;
Database Designer for PostgreSQL поддерживает стандарты ANSI-92/ANSI-99, а также расширения синтаксиса SQL, используемые в PostgreSQL. Database Designer for PostgreSQL позволяет вам создавать базы данных используя графические представления таблиц, колонок, отношений и т.д. Итогом разработки является Physical Entity Relationship Model (ER Model), которая может быть преобразована в SQL-скрипт, или напрямую создана на установленном PostgreSQL сервере. После каких-либо модификаций модели базы данных, она может быть синхронизирована с уже существующей. Продукт позволяет генерировать отчеты с полной информацией о разрабатываемой модели в виде HTML документа, а также экспортировать диаграмму в PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF. Database Designer for PostgreSQL ускоряет и упрощает процесс создания и поддержки баз данных. Продукт специально оптимизирован для работы с популярным сервером баз данных PostgreSQL.
Поддерживает особенности PostgreSQL:
- специфические расширения PostgreSQL к стандартам SQL
- ссылки (references)
- ограничения целостности данных (constraints)
- схемы (SCHEMA)
- домены (DOMAIN)
Ключевые возможности
- Поддержка последних версий PostgreSQL (7.x, 8.x)
- Поддержка представлений(view), хранимых процедур, функций, триггеров
- Поддержка доменов на уровне модели и на уровне БД
- Прямое подключение к серверу PostgreSQL. ODBC, ADO/OLEDB и прочее не используется
- Обратное проектирование (Reverse engineering) баз данных PostgreSQ
- Обратное проектирование (Reverse engineering) других баз данных, доступных через ADO/OLEDB;
- MDI-интерфейс
- Редактирование и выполнение SQL-скриптов
- Возможность выполнения проверки модели (Check diagram)
- Настройка отображения объектов (цвета, границы и т.п.)
- Быстрый и удобный GUI
- Построение отчётов
- Экспорт диаграм в различные графические форматы (PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP и EMF)
- Генерация SQL-скрипта для создания базы данных
- Синхронизация базы данных с изменениями диаграммы
- Database Connections Manager
- Менеджеры объектов для таблиц, доменов, процедур и т.п.
[+] Ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) control during index creation added
[+] Control over whether NULLs sort first or last during index creation added
[+] Functional Indexes support added
[+] Undo is available for changes made in object managers now
[*] Empty names allowed for references (FK) now
[*] Impossible to create index without attributes now
[*] Index Manager doesnt display system indices anymore
[*] Index tab in Table Editor refactored
[*] Modify process is affected by Enclose Names model parameter now
[-] "Access Violation error occurs after click on column header in Modify Database on Selection tab" bug fixed
[-] "Access Violation error occurs when trying to switch to preview tab in Diagram Properties" bug fixed
[-] "Indexes marked as system after Reverse Engineering" bug fixed
[-] "License information is truncated in About window" bug fixed
[-] "Object managers dont check names for uniqueness and emptiness" bug fixed
[-] "Reference creation not affected by Generate checkbox in Reference Editor" bug fixed
[-] "Rules actions are empty after Reverse Engineereing" bug fixed
[-] "Rules WHERE condition is empty after Reverse Engineereing" bug fixed
ОС: Windows 2000/XP/2003
Интерфейс: English
Размер: 12,7 Mb
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