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» Glarysoft Registry Repair 3.0

19.08 21:00 оставить комментарий
GlarysoftПрограмма решающяя проблеммы с реестром - Registry Repair... Windows - обычная причина сбоев Windows и сообщений об ошибках. Registry Repair позволяет Вам исправлять ошибки в Вашем реестре и оптимизировать работу Вашего PC. Всего несколькими простыми шагами, Вы в состоянии найти проблемы вызванные недопустимыми включениями, неправильными ссылками в реестре Windows. Программа обеспечивает список найденных ошибок, Вы можете выборочно восстанавливать каждый элемент или автоматически восстанавить их всех. Registry Repair использует высокоэффективный алгоритм обнаружения, чтобы быстро идентифицировать пропавшие и недопустимые ссылки в реестре Windows. Эти проблемы могут произойти по многим причинам, включая оставляемый после деинсталляционного или неправильного удаления программного обеспечения, отсутствия или порчи драйверов аппаратных средств, и т.п.

Registry Repair is one of the safest Registry cleaning tools available in the market today. Its scanning engine is fast, thorough and safe. With a few easy steps, you are able to find problems caused by invalid entries, references and links in the Windows registry and provides a list of the errors found, you can then choose to selectively repair each item or automatically repair them all.
Registry Repair uses a high-performance detection algorithm to quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. These problems can occur for many reasons including being left-behind after the un-installation or incorrect removal of software, by missing or corrupt hardware drivers, or orphaned startup programs.
Problems with the Windows registry are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages. This cleaner tool allows you to fix your registry and optimize your PCs performance. With a few easy steps, you are able to find problems caused by invalid entries, references and links in the Windows registry and provides a list of the errors found, you can then choose to selectively repair each item or automatically repair them all.

Whenever you clean the Registry, a corresponding Undo file is generated for any changes made which can be used to recreate the entries deleted. You can restore any changes by clicking Restore previous repairs. For added security, Registry Cleaner uses an ignore list containing entries which when encountered upon while scanning are ignored.

Registry Repair:
• Highly intelligent engine that finds invalid registry entries
• High scanning speed with detailed result
• Make backups of any registry change made
• Improve system performance and stability
• Simple and User friendly interface

Registry Repair will cleanup your Registry by finding:
• Invalid paths
• Invalid file associations
• Invalid file types
• Invalid custom controls
• Obsolete software entries
• Dead file extensions
• Invalid application paths
• Invalid help paths
• Invalid fonts
• Obsolete start menu order
• Adwares and Spywares that use registry
• Invalid startup programs
• Invalid shared programs
• Invalid program shortcuts
and all other dead entries through out the registry.

Homepage - http://www.glarysoft.com/registry-repair/

Size: 1.82 MB

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